Tuesday, September 8, 2015

In Defense of a Generation

A little while ago, I had a conversation with a lovely woman who is absolutely disgusted with my generation. She did not fail to tell me this... multiple times. I'll be honest; at first I agreed with her. There are more than a few habits of we 90's babies that can definitely 'suck' if you look at them wrong.

1. We move back in with Mom & Dad

"Freeloaders, lazy, childish" seems to be the general consensus among the people who aren't in the middle of this financial crisis we've bought into. For us, though, it's not about being lazy. To the people being affected by not being able to afford a higher education without grabbing an extra backpack of debt along with those books, living at home is a way to maintain a little financial freedom in this crazy world. Even if it means sharing the TV. We are so grateful that you are not tossing us out on our pizza boxes into Real Life (even if we don't know it yet). You can be sure we'll buy you that forest cabin once we have the money, because it won't be going into our credit card debt from those hard start up years. Love you, parents!

2. We are "Purpose-Driven"

This was one of this lovely woman's largest complaints. I tried hard to think of why this was negative, but I came up empty. In this day and age, there are so many options and opportunities. How does a person ever get anything done during this Dawn of Distraction without finding a way to focus on consecutive tasks at hand? Perhaps I am looking at this one wrong, suggestions, anyone?

3. We are not loyal

Respect us, and we will be. In this age where the Importance of Ego is all around us, we know when we are being mistreated, and will take a stand. We are fiery, educated, and aware- which is precisely what makes us such great innovators. We are not the perfect followers, but we can help lead you to grand places.

4. We don't do what we are told

We are told absurd things on a daily basis and expected to believe them. We are jaded, just like you. We see the danger in the direction things are going and will not stand for them.
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." -Anaïs Nin

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